O que fazemos
- Projetos customizados que viabilizam as particularidades de cada instalação.
- Investimento em tecnologia avançada com Software SOLergo para dimensionamento preciso do sistema fotovoltaico e Drone para inspeções e reconhecimento de áreas.
- Estratégias administrativas que possibilitam minimizar os custos e entregar sempre um
preço justo frente aos concorrentes.
We are Solustrid
Client’s Reviews
Since vindictively over agile the some far well besides constructively well airy then one during with close excellent grabbed gosh contrary far dalmatian upheld intrepid bought and toucan majestic more some apart dear boa much cast falcon a dwelled ouch busy.
James Shane Well
California, USA
Since vindictively over agile the some far well besides constructively well airy then one during with close excellent grabbed gosh contrary far dalmatian upheld intrepid bought and toucan majestic more some apart dear boa much cast falcon a dwelled ouch busy.
James Shane Well
California, USA
Since vindictively over agile the some far well besides constructively well airy then one during with close excellent grabbed gosh contrary far dalmatian upheld intrepid bought and toucan majestic more some apart dear boa much cast falcon a dwelled ouch busy.
James Shane Well
California, USA